Side effects of estrogen dominance after using shampoo for hair loss

Resolved question:
I am 20 years old male , have used a shampoo with Saw palmetto as it is a blocker to reduce hair loss, and after 2 weeks I got major side effects, i have no libido, erectile dysfunction, breast tenderness, and all the symptoms of estrogen dominance , seepless, tremors and foggy brain.
I Did not have a blod test tet for dht bu i believe it is very low, i feel very depressed and have no motivation to do anything.
Could Saw palmetto brun my ability to convert dht via 5 alpha reductase??

I have read that saw palmetto can cause permanent damage or impotenc?
I have Only used it for 2 weeks and iam developing mild gynocomastia! it has been almost 1 month since i stoppad and still have the same problems and not geting better,
Why iam so sure that my dht is low because my hair never been this tick and iam not losing hair any more , since iam prone to MPB i used to lose some hair before.

And what is the solution for this problem , is there anything that i can, eat or take do to raise my dht or to get it back?? I enat to feel normal again asap.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

No, the Palmetto cannot “burn” your ability 5 DHT ? Testosterone. This particular shampoo has claims to contain 5 alpha reductase inhibitor activities. However the potency is very mild. Also since it is a over the scalp application (not taken orally), it is less likely to cause any major suppression of the enzyme or burn out. Even oral medications like Finasteride will not cause this usually.

The erectile dysfunction could be because your mind is pre occupied with this thought of side effect. There is no need to worry. Gynaecomatia could not develop in 2 weeks either.

But I am not negating your concerns. Let’s assume the worst case scenario, you had a (unusual) response to the shampoo. Even then the good news is that the effect is completely reversible.

I recommend withdrawing the shampoo al together. Eat high protein, low fat diet for 2 weeks. Include lots of vegetables too. If possible stick on to fish alone (avoid meat altogether for 2 weeks). Everything should fall back into place normally in less than two weeks.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.
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Patient replied :

But is has been almost a month since a stoppad using it and i feel the same, i also do exercise and endurance exercise too but its not helping, i have read in many forums that saw palmetto ruined peoples life as it has the same post side effects as propica.
Iam taking Tribulus+zinc for now , do zinc help raise dht or is it a 5 alpha reductase anhibator?
And is there any supplements i can take that can stimulate 5 alpha reductase activity, Or increase dht?
I cant study or do anything , lack the motivation for everything and the breast tenderneass is just geting worse developing fattay breast tissus.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


No supplements are needed, and supplements usually will not help. Trust me, I have experience in this matter. Whatever you read in the Internet about Palmetto, Proscar, Propecia , Finasteride ( all 5 alpha reductase inhibitors) - there are a lot of Wrong information out there. This I feel is done intentionally to gain momentum for the "Finasteride Lawsuit" out which many people and firms are expecting monetary benefit.

The tricky thing is that most the effects (or side effects) have a psychological component. So an unsuspecting individual can fall pray into these psuedo science.

So I request you to be rational. It is nearly impossible for side effects develop from shampoo. If so it would reverse. You can actually go for a S.Testosterone and FSH test to make sure your hormone levels are alright. Stay relaxed, you are going to be alright.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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Patient replied :

I tryied to do a test here for dht but they cant do that, not in this city where i live.
So you suggests to check testosterone and FSH, so can u determine the level of dht through that? Or should i check dht also?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

DHT tests are not commonly available. So it might be difficult to get it done. S.Testosterone will not give indication of DHT levels, but a normal Testo levels indicate adequate sex hormone function which is more important than DHT. (Especially in males without developmental issues, and when sexual development is completed.).

Again these tests are not essential, if you maintain your healthy lifestyle the symptoms should disappear in no time.

Thank you

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