Treament for painful BRUISE due to fall.

Resolved question:
About a week ago I slipped and fell and hit my hip pretty badly. The bruise is about 6-8 inches long. The first few days it wasn't bad. Now I can't lay on that side and often will feel extremely sensitive to the touch, much like an extreme sunburn. It is very dark purple on the outside, but not on the inside. I have had many bruises but none this painful. It seems to only be at the surface level or just below. I am wondering if this is normal or something more severe.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for posting your query at
I understand your concern.
Hip can bruise really easily, since there are a lot of muscles in the hip, and also the bone is in very close proximity. Hence contusion is very easy, and also it takes a long time to heal. It takes time to develop into a full blown contusion, since the muscles are also pretty large, and it spreads to the entire length of muscle. If possible kindly upload a picture.
If you're having no difficulty in movement, or moving laterally to be more precise, then there is nothing to worry about. Immediately after bruising we should apply ice to the bruise several times a day. If that is not done, bruise can turn really big. Since its already been a week, i will advise you to just take a cloth which is nice and warm ( keep it dipped in warm water for some time ), and apply to the area. It can be done 4-5 times a day. This will enahce faster healing. Also an anti-inflammatory spray like Relispray ( or any OTC brand available locally ) can be applied on that area directly. Additionally if there is too much pain, you can take Tab. Ibuprofen 400 mg up to twice daily, after food to relieve the pain. As i said before, if your movement is fine then there is absolutely no reason to worry about.
Feel free to discuss further,

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