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it is a virus and did not gave me any medicine

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Hii doctor I am 32 years old and a sportman also .four month ago I got sick covered with fever,severe pain in chest and headache.Behind all this just after 10 days it increases,I got muscle weakness and vertigo.Some time later I started realizing that something is in my throat which was disturbing me and was making me to force my throat to swallow anything.Looking toward all this I went to consult a doctor but he said that it is virus no need to worry even he did not refer any of the medicine to me he said it will be ok. After 1 or 5 month I decided to visit infectology with my own initiative.When I get my blood checked they found that I am having Varicella Zoster virus. IgM 1100 mIU per ml .At the time I was shocked because I had no rashes on my body.Then I am under treatment and I got four packages of famciclovir and isoprinosine.And I am through this medicne till now.And till now I am not feeling good as it is already four months and still facing the cramps and nausea from time to time.i only found that the pain in chest is less .Due to all this I am really disturb and unable to work and I had a fear that my problem may be permanent.Please help me and give me some advice about my treatment .

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 32 Doctors Online

Thank you for your question and concern as according to your disease that you came with that is Varicella zoster virus is just like a viral infection that in result cause a painful rash and it is the virus that cause chickenpox.After getting chicken pox the infection lies dormant in a nerve tissue.these infection in stress can cause shingles.And it is really unfortunate that in the medical term there is no treatment for Varicella zoster infection.The virus that is present in you will only help you t speed up the healing and it can help you in reducing the risk of complications. Shingles are very painful but ir is not life threatening but according to me I don’t think that your symptoms are due to Varicella zoster infection. So I would suggest you to get your full blood workup and ultrasound even your blood sugar ,thyroid levels ,heamoglobin and upper gi endoscopy to get to know about youe symptoms So get your self consult to your doctor and get yourself test.i hope I had cleared your question.Take Care

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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