Treatment for dark marks near eyes due to spectacles.

Resolved question:
Hi I am Khadija from Dubai, My problem is i have dark marks near my eyes and nose due to wearing spectacles, and I have pigmentation problem as well and dark circle near my eyes area, also i have burn mark near my chin area.

I went to Dermatologist and he advise me to use the following cream, but no effect till now:

1- Rexsol USA Retinol + AHA
2- MEBO Scar Ointment
3- Sun cream.

I want to take an advise and check what should I use

I have attached my pic's


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at
I can understand your concern. I reviewed the pictures.

You have under eye dark circles with what we refer to as tear trough which are depressions below the eyes.

Using retinol and Aha cream would be useful. It should be preferably used at night. A sun block is ideal and should be used every 4 hourly whether indoors or outdoors except at night.

Using of a vitamin c serum in the day before application of the sun block would be very useful.

For the tear trough use of a filler which can be injected by your dermatologist can help in reducing the shadow under the eyes.

Mebo scar ointment for the burn marks may be a good idea. But alternatively I recommend a silicone gel like hexilak which would be more useful. In the picture I cannot make out if it's just a mark or a scar. If it's not a scar then the same lightening creams will be useful.

Please let me know if you have any queries. Take care

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Patient replied :

Hi under my chin it burn, I used lasir to remove hair but i burn the area what can i use

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

You can use the hexilak gel as i advised or contractubex ointment.

Take care

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Patient replied :

Thank Doctor, but about pigmentation on my face?

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 2 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

The treatment that i recommended earlier will help the pigmentation on your face.

Using retinol and Aha cream would be useful. It should be preferably used at night. A sun block is ideal and should be used every 4 hourly whether indoors or outdoors except at night.

Using of a vitamin c serum in the day before application of the sun block would be very useful.

Take car

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Patient replied :


Thanks for your reply.

The treatment that i recommended earlier will help the pigmentation on your face.

Using retinol and Aha cream would be useful. It should be preferably used at night. A sun block is ideal and should be used every 4 hourly whether indoors or outdoors except at night.

Using of a vitamin c serum in the day before application of the sun block would be very useful.

Take care

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