What are the symptoms of getting genital herpes simplex 1?

Resolved question:

Hello doctor I recently met a guy who told me that he is down with genital herpes simplex 1, knowing all this I went in a relationship and after sexual relationship as well. We had a break in July, round about seven month but untill now no outbreak since. When I went into sexual relationship I didn’t found any sore or bumps symptoms on his penis after seeing all this I did oral sex without using condom and then vaginal intercourse with the condom. I read somewhere that people down with these symptoms are rare and the chances of passing it to a partner are also low. After performing oral sex and a vaginal intercourse I am unable to treat him as a normal man as I am tensed that now I am also having it. How much chances are there of genital herpes simplex 1 in me? Is there any std symptoms seen?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern, as you said that you partner told you that he is down with genital herpes simplex 1, as they are of two types ie, type 1 and type2 . The type 1 causes cold sores not the genital herpes and as you mentioned that before doing the oral sex you checked for the genital and penis area and didn’t found any sores then the chances of getting HSV is very low or you can say none. There might be chances of std symptoms in this disease. There are various checkups for HSV Infection. You can go for antibodies test for HSV, a serology test for which you need to wait for 4 weeks for antibodies to form to show a result. According to me I would suggest you to go for a safe sex and use precaution as possible. I hope I have cleared your query. Take care

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