White ugly circle, dots on heels. CORNS or WARTS?

Resolved question:
I have these 3 white circle/dot things on the bottom of the heel of my right foot. I can't figure out if they are seed corns or warts or WHAT. They have been there with no change for well over a year and they don't hurt they are just ugly and annoying. I have been a bartender/waitress for 10 years old patientand always work on my feet so I assume they are corns for that reason (great sneakers can only do so much for a 12 hour shift on your feet). I also had a wart once on my hand when i was a kid and it looked nothing like these dots. That wart looked exactly like a wart (had the little black string-like structures and all) and it went away on its own in less than 2 months. I feel like if these things were warts they would have been more like that one. This picture is after a few treatments of soaking with apple cider vinegar and using a callous remover/pumice stone type of thing. When I soak them long enough they bleed a bit like pin pricks.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I have gone through the attached images. These are nothing but plantar warts. Also, the pin point bleeders confirm that it's a wart. A corn shows a white underlying thick base when pared. You can also differentiate between a corn and wart by pressing it. A corn is more painful when pressed directly/ vertically while a wart is more painful when pinched or pressed laterally.
Now to treat the same, you may apply salicylic acid and lactic acid solution in colloidion base(duofilm). Dip your affected foot in warm water for five minutrs. Clean the area with pumice stone and then apply duofilm lotion.This has to be done twice in a day. Usually, this clears warts in a week or two. We also prescribe five percent fluorouracil cream twice daily for warts. If no response is seen, you may contact a dermatologist for paring with cryotherapy or cautery.
Hope this helped.
Take care

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