Will it pain so severe when a rod is inserted inside it?

Resolved question:

Hi doctor,

Thanks for taking time to answer me. I have got 2 doubts. I got a surgery on my leg and put a rod in. Now, I am experiencing a lot of pain at the incision spot. Is it normal? It is also bleeding at times. I can tolerate pains to a pretty good extent. But this is very severe to bear. It hurts more when I use my walker to stand. Please answer me at the earliest. Thanks again.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. It is painful to hear about your problem. Anyway, it is not normal to have such a lot of pain following a surgery. I hope you should have been given with enough medication to prevent any pain or discomfort. If there is pain in spite of the medications administered, it suggests some complication during surgery. Wound infection can be a possible cause. It is better to return to your surgeon at the earliest and explain your symptoms to him in detail. He will be the best in prescribing any extra medications.

Get well soon.

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