Will my immune system help in removing HPV from body?

Resolved question:

Hi doctor, I am a 19 years old male and am sexually active. I am really frustrated nowadays as I am contracted with HPV infection. Moreover, I started getting genital warts in my genital areas which are really embarrassing to see. To fight against this, I started searching information over internet. I got contradicting information about genital warts. Some say that it is curable and some says it is incurable and will be there in blood or body. My doctor told me that my immune system will fight the HPV in body and will bring it down in a matter of a year or two. What is right? Will my immune system remove HPV from my body, as time pass by? Please help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your concern about genital warts and HPV. Genital warts are warts looking like small bumps or cauliflower like structures. Once contracted with HPV, there is no cure for it. But our body immune system can defend the viral action of HPV and make it dormant for a long time. That is why in some patients, warts will not appear even after years from getting contracted with HPV. As I told, the immune system in our body will suppress the virus and make it dormant but will not remove it completely from body. Now, what you can do is to increase and maintain your immunity. Remember smoking and drinking can reduce your immunity. Hope my answer helps. Take care.

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