Left arm pain and jaw pain of heart

Resolved question:

I am 29 yr old female. 125 lbs good bp and cholesterol. No family history of heart issues. In nov I had chest pains. Had 2 ekgs and blood work, chest x ray, then echo stress test. All normal. Now having severe jaw pain and left shoulder pain for a week with teeth pain. Dental checkup normal. I have a history of anxiety and took lexapro 3 years ago for a year. Is this anxiety or should I get further heart testing?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.


This pain your have described, which is there for a week, does NOT appear to be related to a heart condition. Also you are young, previously evaluated and there are no major risk factors. With the available information its almost certain that there in no heart condition involved.

What exactly causes the pain should be found, Yes there could be an anxiety component to it. May be you can try some over the counter pain reliever and see if the pain goes away. If the pain is worrying you much , you can get an ECG done, which practically rules out any heart related problems.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

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