about my period "troubles".

Resolved question:
ive had my period last month, but not the month before. i didnt get it again. but when i had sex, i bleed quiet a bit. i am very active with my fiance but ive never bleed like that before. why arent i getting it and what is up with the bleeding during sex? (it doesnt hurt at all during sex)

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Deepu Sebin Sebastian replied 4 Days.


You did nt mention you age, however i am assuming that you young.

The possibilities are
1.Cervicitis - Infection and inflammation of the cervix, can be caused by bacterial vaginosis, chlamidya infections etc

2.Cervical Polyps
3.Minor trauma (unnoticed) during intercourse
4.Cervical ectasia ( a kind of erosion of the cervix surface)
5.Rare causes - a tumor, missed abortion.

You will need an evaluation by an Obgyian if symptoms are persisting. Make sure you are using barrier contraception (condoms)

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