Anemia for evaluation.

Resolved question:
I have recently been diagnosed with anemia, low hemocrit and hemoglobin .I have had high muscle enzymes and liver enzymes. I am diabetic, obese, and have a fatty liver. I am a 54 Y/O male and my hemocrit was around36

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Hematologist

Expert:  Dr. Prasad Eswaran replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

Low Hematocrit and Hb are manifestation of Anaemia. Approach to Anaemia is step by step. Kind of an algorithm.
Do you have other blood investigations reports available with you now ? If so please share. Have you done a Peripheral Smear ? Is your liver enzymes and CPK raised currently ?

Do you have any symptoms now ?
Any history of loose dark stools ? Any bleeding history ?

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Thank you

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