Bacterial vaginosis and PID

Resolved question:

Hey doctor, I got myself diagnosed and treated for Bacterial Vaginosis , from my doctor. But what I am concerned about is that to my knowledge as I have read it that a Bacterial Vaginosis can lead to cause PID that is the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. I am concerned about this issue please guide me on this situation and it is possible that this infection can cause sexually transmitted infections?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

On the first note I would thank you for raising your concern, it is good to clear your doubts when you have one. Firstly I would tell you little about the subject, bacterial Vaginosis is said to be that condition in which there is found to be overgrowth of a normally residing bacteria or a fungi called the flora on to the vagina.Although it is conflicted, yet it cannot be detrimental to state any connection between the PID and Bacterial vaginosis. But yes few studies and researchers have found out that the Bacterial Vaginosis could increases the chances of developing the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease; still there are studies that suggest no relation between the two as well as there are rare chances of getting sexually transmitted infections. However, what is of concern in this regard is that,few sexually transmitted diseases can be of concern when it comes to PID. STD such as the more common Chlamydia and the Gonorrhoea are found to be resulting in PID. The organisms that relate to these two can harbour anywhere, in your vagina or can reach up to the fallopian tube. Whereas there are few who doesn’t show any symptoms but still can cause PID. On a very basic note I would advise you to test yourself for any symptoms of STD, and if you can’t find it yourselfget it tested in a clinic. Ensure the treatment gets started for if it tests positive and sometimes it could be that even your sexual partner is also tested to relate any sexually transmitted infections.

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