diagnosed with Chlamydia infection

Resolved question:

I have been diagnosed with Chlamydia infection. I am really scared please explain to me in detail. 

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. Here are some basic facts with regard to this disease:

What is Chlamydia infection? It is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) which has been caused by a bacterium. It can infect both men and women resulting in serious permanent damage to a woman's reproductive organs.

How do people get Chlamydia? You can get this disease when you have sex with a partner who has had the infection. Having sex means vaginal, anal and even oral sex. It can still be inflicted even if you are not able to ejaculate. If you who have had this disease earlier and have been treated you can still have it again. An infected woman can pass it on to her baby at the time of childbirth.

What are its symptoms? The symptoms of Chlamydia are usually seen between one and three weeks after exposure. It is a silent disease since in many cases it produces no symptoms.

Treatment of Chlamydia: The treatment for this disease is simple on diagnosis. The treatment takes in the form of a course consisting of antibiotic tablets.

If you are allergic to any medicine, or if you are pregnant tell your doctor at once as this may affect the medicines which are prescribed. Never stop the treatment once your course has been started, otherwise you may have to start it all over again.

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