Help about my problems with breasts

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Hi there,

I am writing this to get some help about my problems with breasts. I have not been, at any time, breast feeding or don’t have children too. But I am affected with mastitis and got confirmed too. By the way, this is my second case of affecting with the same. I took a course of antibiotics but without cure. Now I experience itching in my right breast and have developed a sore skin with red rashes along with retracted nipples. I have also got a lump under my armpit. Also I am frustrated due to change in shape of my breast. What worries me more is the response from my doctor. He haven’t even examined my breast and asked me to get back to him if the symptoms last more than a week. Now, what I fear is that I may have developed an inflammatory breast cancer. I feel so after reading about the symptoms of breast cancer, from internet. 4 years ago, I have undergone a breast reduction treatment also. Is this an outcome of that? I fear to make an appointment with my doctor anymore. Please help me get out of my frustration.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

By analyzing the information you have provided, here are the major possibilities, concerns and the things you should do.

First thing I would strongly recommend you to meet a Breast Surgeon without any delay. The major concern here is as you said a very rare possibility of Breast cancer. Your and the description are not very typical but its always better to be in the safer side.

Changes in the breast size or shape, abnormal swellings, nipple retraction, nipple eczema which is very persistent, bleeding from nipple, lymph node enlargement are all good reasons for you to be referred.

That’s said there is no reason to be alarmed. I just think you need to be referred and got to have a better assessment. A surgeon will be better equipped in this regard. Since you were not satisfied with your GPs clinical examination and treatment its better if you directly get in touch with a Breast surgeon. In case if you need referral in your country, you can ask your GP to provide a referral letter.

Other condition that can cause the above said symptoms is mastitis itself. But since you are not pregnant or breast feeding mastitis is less likely.Sometimes a fungal infection can occur in breast tissue and this could give you the itch, rash and glands under your arm. It would not respond to antibiotics and may need treatment with quite a long course of antifungal tablets. 

Please feel free to contact us for any follow up questions.

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