How do I know whether a STD doctor is good?

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor,

I am 32 years old working as IT professional in a big company. I am having certain problems which I fear to be associated with STD. The symptoms are pain while urinating, an unusual discharge from my penis, pain in my testicles and also during sexual intercourse. Checking on the internet I am worried about being infected by STD. Please advise me on how to find a good STD doctor.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. The symptoms you are talking about are all related with STD. You should immediately consult a STD doctor who will advise you on the course of treatment. To assess whether the STD doctor is taking the right course of treatment, you will be advised on certain tests which include tests on swab of the urethra, blood, discharge from penis, urine, inside of mouth. Reports will confirm whether it is a case of full blown STD or not and treatment will start accordingly. A qualified STD doctor will engage in rapport with you with questions are open ended while reassuring you that treatment will be provided irrespective of the circumstances in which you are. Pre exposure vaccination will be given to arrest the spreading of the disease to others. 

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