Hypertensive with arthritis and taking Flex-a-min

Resolved question:
I am asking this question for my Father who is 73 years (Height = 5foot 11inches, Weight = 95 kgs). He is under regular medication for Hypertension and Diabetes. He also have pain in his knees and doctors have advised him for knee replacement. Though he can walk for short distances but cannot do so for longer distance.

Current medicines taken by him:
Azulix 2 mf - Diabetes level 2 (morning with breakfast)
Cardace AM 5/5 - Calcium channel blocker - to reduce BP (morning)
Angibloc Er (50 mg) - Contains Metoprolol, to reduce BP
Ecosprin AV 75mb - Thins blood, reduces cholesterol production
Veltam plus - Reduce prostate and frequent urination at night
Golbi 150 - Dissolution of cholesterol-rich gallstones - Fatty liver

For his knee pain, his friend has advised him Flex-a-min (http://www.walmart.com/ip/FLEXAMIN-TS-BNS/13269734) and he got some very good reviews for it from his friends.

I want to ask, is it fine to take Flex-a-min along with his current medication.
If not, what changes will you suggest?


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking the query at DoctorSpring.

Flex-a-min supplements contain Glucosamin +/- Chondriotin. Both are generally safe and has no major interaction with the above drugs. However since your father has co morbidities like Diabetes and hypertension pleas be alert and report any discomfort or new symptoms to your Doctor.

The efficacy of this medication is not well proven. However there are claims and case reports which suggest good improvement of pain and mobility. So nothing wrong in giving it a try though.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.

Thank you

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Patient replied :

Thanks for your detailed answer.
I just found this link (http://www.livestrong.com/article/204759-side-effects-of-flexamin/) which says that flex-a-min should not be taken if patient is already taking some form of aspirin, since it may increase risk of bleeding. My father is already taking "Ecosprin AV 75mb" daily.

What are your comments on the above link? Is the mentioned side-effect really serious?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.


Flex-a-min is not a herbal supplement or a side effect free medicine. It does have number of side effects as with all medicines. Few of them include allergic reactions, worsening of insulin resistance, increased platelet inhibition (possible interaction with Aspirin) etc. However there is no absolute contraindication for using Glucosamine with Aspirin. However Do take the medication in consult with your Doctor.

For the record drug interaction data with respect to all the mentioned medications are not available. That's why you will need to be alert and report any discomfort or new symptoms to your Doctor.

There are many approved Indian brands of Glucosamine available (around 60 of them - Lubrijoint, Ligafem, Glucosam etc). You can get a prescription for one among them from you Doctor. Over the counter brands like Flex-a-min can be counterfeit and may contain unwanted ingredients.


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