Lump in the right breast associated with pain.

Resolved question:

I went to 3 doctors and 2 say they found a lump on my left breast and the other one say that he don't see anything when he did the ultra sound but I had pain and burning on the left breast since 2007 and still nothing and I want to know what should I do to see what's going on?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

With reference to your query regarding finding a lump in your left breast and had a ultrasound which revealed nothing and started noticing burning pain in the left breast. Possible cause for this symptom could be that your left breast might be having fibrocystic changes, which does not mean that you have a cancer. It is the most common non-malignant breast disorder of women. It covers a broad range of conditions from painful breasts with solid, lumpy patches to cystic clumps filled with fluid. It is about 80-90% breast lumps are not cancerous, however it requires a physician care, assessment and advice. They are usually seen in 20-45 years of age. If there is any family history of breast cancer particularly in a mother or sister, are likely to develop fibrocystic breast changes. It is more likely in women who have no children, who are Jewish, white, well to do, who have severe premenstrual syndrome or menstrual irregularities and women who have had miscarriages. Most of the times, patients themselves discovered through breast self examination (BSE) and awareness of symptoms. It may also develop without pain. The lumps are tender, firm, and slightly movable under the fingertips. It will be noticed before period (few days or weeks) and may diminish or disappears as soon as your period starts. Diagnosis can be done by feeling lumps, mammography, x-ray of the breast, ultrasound and needle aspiration. Mammography and ultrasounds are painless and safe. So any women, no matter what age, should seek her physician's advice for any change or irregularity in her breast. Treatment depends on the character of the lumps, amount of discomfort and family history. A few small painless lumps may come and go with the menstrual cycle may not require any treatment, but you should examine your breast once a month and come in for a breast examination every six months to one year. If you are troubled with breast pain or tenderness, the physician will advice you to wear a well fitting, supportive bra and light weight, loose fitting clothing. Ice packs or warm compression may give some relief. Intake of salt should be restricted, eliminate or reduce caffeine, reduce the amount of fat you eat, drink less alcohol and stop smoking. Sometimes taking Vitamin E (600 IU/day) and Vitamin B may also alleviate the symptoms, reduce stress like medication, physical exercise. You can take progesterone, progestin and oral contraceptives work well, but spotting might appear between periods. Sometimes Danazol Chormonal drug is effective but in small percentage of women complain of menstrual irregularities, weight gain, swelling and rash. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, consult your doctor before taking these medications. Surgery is performed only if fibrocystic breast changes are severe. He can remove the lumps without disfiguring the breast or leaving large scars. Sometimes even large cysts or lumps containing fluid can be drained by needle aspiration. If you have any other doubts, do not hesitate to contact your physician or surgeon for any assistance or advise.

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