Male with coating of underside of tongue and tiredness

Resolved question:

hi i am 21 years old male, i have a build up of stuff on the back of my togue(yellow white sorta) looks like mold or bacteria, aswell as that i allways have white stuff around the sides of the back of my warhead smells very bad clean everyday just comes back then, i also feel very tired lack of energy does these sytomes relate to anything?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Mayank Bhargava replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at

Please let me know your other associated symptoms along with mentioned.
Do you have pain/ choking feeling while swallowing/ burning sensation or scratching sensation at the back of tongue?
Do you have fever/ cough/ running nose?

With the available described symptoms, there appears to be high possibility of bacterial pharyngitis. Presence of yellow white stuff at the back of tongue (a place of collection of adenoid tissue) suggests the diagnosis.

Acute bacterial pharyngitis gets aggravated after cold drinks, oily food and citrus fruits.

You should consult with internal medicine specialist/ ENT surgeon and should go for thorough check up.

You should also go for complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, throat swab culture & sensitivity, chest x ray.

You should also go for laryngoscopic examination of throat for better clarification.

Treatment depends on exact diagnosis.
Meanwhile, you should take broad spectrum antibiotics, NSAIDS and decongestants on written prescription from a local doctor.

You should also perform gargles three times in day; add a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water.
Avoid cold drinks, oily food and citrus fruits.

Take care,
Please feel free to discuss further.
Get well soon,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava

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