Recurrent skin irritation after shaving.

Resolved question:
I've had this ongoing skin problem since October last year and it has been really getting on my nerves.. Coming and going. It sometimes tingles and itches. It started around my beard.. I thought it could be seb derm but no steroid/anti-fungal treatment seems to be the doing the trick. I recently started shaving, which helped a bit, but it has still been persistent. I've even started treating for demodex with tea tree oil and shampoo. I don't know what it is or when it will go away... Please help!!
I have images to send but can't seem to up load them here. Maybe email me and I can send them over.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your consult at The images will help the Dermatologist provide most learned opinion. Kindly upload them as follow-up to this reply or email them to for Doctor only access.

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Patient replied :

Here it is Doc... Be advised this photo was taken right after I shaved so it is more irritated, but still a problem never the less.

I have been using %2 hydrocortisone, and Ketoconazole ointment and shampoo, and tea tree oils. No complete relief.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

You seem to be having a condition known as perioral dermatitis.

It occurs due to a variety of causes like allergy and irritation due to shaving creams, steroid creams , cosmetics etc.

The treatment would be discontinuation of all steroid cream application. Oral antibiotic tablets like amoxicillin 500mg twice daily for a week will help in resolving the condition. You will need a prescription for it. Application of metronidazole gel on the affected areas will also help in resolving your concern.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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