Slight decrease in size of VALLECULA on side. Cause?

Resolved question:
What does it mean if an upper GI indicates "a slight decrease in size of the vallecula on the left side compared to the right. Possible small filling defect along the posterolateral wall of the vallecula on the left is not entirely excluded" I was sent for the upper GI from my family physician. I have had discomfort on the left side of my throat when swallowing for about 7 months. The ENT went through my nose with a camera twice and saw nothing. I also had a scope of the stomach and the gastrontologist indicated a few ulcers looking up to the vocal chords, some stomach inflamation but nothing else. They doubled my dose of nexium since they both thought the ulcers were due to reflux. The upper GI didn't indicate reflux. In just the past several weeks, the left side of my throat pops or clicks when I swallow. There is also some pressure on the left side since the popping started. If I turn my head all the way to the left and swallow, it doesn't pop. If I turn to the right, it pops every time. Otherwise it pops about 25-50% of the day when swallowing with my head straight.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for posting your query at

Nasophaynholaryngoscoy( NPLscopy) as done for you via nose gives better information for vallecula compre to upper GI scopy.

Veallecula is space between posterior part of tongue and voice box.

A fullness on one side if seen by upper GI, means same we should able to see by NPLscopy. So I suggest to repeat nplscopy by ENT again. This fullness can be due to cyst in vallecula, Same can cause problem in diff in swallowing.

If still normal, a CT neck with contrast can be done.

Your dose of nexium is doubled because you had ulcers.

Hope this helps

Best regards.

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your help. One final question - If Nasophaynholaryngoscoy comes out normal again, what would the CT scan with contrast be looking for?

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 3 Days.


You have a clear symptom of difficulty In swallowing on left side which can't be ignored even endoscopy is normal. CT will rule out any external compression on food pipe.

Hope this helps

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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