Top ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases

Resolved question:

Hi, I would like to know about different ways that can help you to prevent getting affected by sexually transmitted diseases. Can you guide me over this topic?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

There are many ways that can help you to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Some of them are mentioned below! Have a look!

  • Practice safer sex every time you have sex: make up your mind to have safer sex every time you have sex. If you sex life involves intercourse, anal or vaginal, determine that you’ll never have sex with a condom.
  • Get tested regularly, and encourage your partners to do the same.
  • Know you limits.
  • Have sex only within a mutually monogamous relationship.
  • Don’t drink or use drugs before having sex.
  • Be comfortable saying no: You never have to have sex. Sex is not something you owe someone because they bought you dinner, or anyone would break up with you. It’s your choice to say yes to sex, and it’s also your choice to say no.
  • Be responsible for your own protection: If you are going to have sex with someone you should be prepared. This is not only a matter of emotional preparation, but practicality.

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