What can be different sex diseases/ problems in females?

Resolved question:

Sir, one of was my friend has been suffering from most prominent sex problem- lack of sex interest which is ruining her marred life badly. Though she has taken counseling for it to get rid of it as soon as possible. Can you suggest me some more sex diseases in women that can really make her life miserable?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.


 Thanks for contacting us.

 It is indeed true that female sex problems/diseases can really make her life depressed. It is very important on the part of females to get their problem solved to lead happy and cheerful life. Some sex disease in women are mentioned below-

Nymphomania: In this sexual instinct of female increased upto sexual madness causing insomnia and other disorders of mania.

Vaginal inflammation and ulceration after every sexual intercourse.

 Dysparunia i.e. pain during sexual intercourse thus disturbing attention at the time of intercourse which effects orgasm and ultimately loss of sexual interest in females and loss of vigor in males.

No interest in sexual intercourse which effects personal relationship with husband and ultimately social life.

Vaginal itching.

Small sized vagina unable to accommodate penis.

Gushing of fluid during intercourse.

What can lead to sexual problems in women?

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