bleeding 3 weeks after delivery

Resolved question:
hi doc, i am bleeding bright red and passing big blood clots 3 weeks after having my baby. this is after the initial bleeding began to taper off…help, i am confused.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Deepu Sebin Sebastian replied 4 Days.


Welcome to

Your condition is know as secondary postpartum heamorhage . This refers to excessive uterine bleeding occurring between 24 hours and 12 weeks after delivery.

Failure of the uterus to contract normally after delivery (atony) is one common cause for late bleeding after pregnancy.
Other possibility is retained placenta or placental products,causing bleed.
If bleeding is not massive, and there is fever, uterine tenderness, or a foul-smelling discharge, then endometritis should be suspected.
A rebleed from instrumentation during delivery or bleeding disorders

Dont worry too much, secondary postpartum heamorrhage can be easily treated.

Ultrasound scan of the abdomen and pelvis can provide some clue in selected cases.

We suggest you to consult a doctor soon.

Thank you.

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