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Phimosis in an adult.

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Hi Doctor, I Am Mentally thinking about how to say or Discuss this with my Parents Or Friends... Pls help Me out... I Am 26 yrs Old.. Not married... My Fore Skin on the Penis is Very tight and cant be pulled back when fully erect and in Flaccid condition its easy to pull it back and fro... In Next 6 Months i am About to get married.. I Am very Much Worried about my Problem... Can i Have Sex with this condition or i need to a Circumcision...????. If So is it Ok at this Age..??? Any Effects after surgery at this age of 26...??? ....

Category: Urologist

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Category: Andrologist
 28 Doctors Online

Dear Patient,
If you foreskin is tight and you are facing difficulties in retracting it during erection then its better you get it circumcised. (or you can go for a slit procedure) Its a minor procedure with no complication if done by trained consultant.

I think you should go for it if there is tight foreskin in order to avoid any complications later in life . You can contact a General Surgeon or Urologist for this purpose.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr Gautam Banga
Reconstructive urologist
Delhi NCR

Patient replied :

Thanks doctor for your Reply... I Would like to ask some doubts.... Exactly as you said i cant pull back my fore skin during erection.. If you need to have a clear idea.. shall i add Picture of the problem...?
1. What is Slit Procedure? Will the Fore Skin will be removed ?
2. Can i get Circumcised at the this age of 26..?
3. Is there any problem if i get circumcised at this age of 26 since all my tissues will be stronger and grown up...??

Dear patient,
Slit procedure is where a slit is made on the forskin, the foreskin is not removed. I would not advise slit procedure for you.
There is no problem in getting circumcised at any age. Its a safe procedure with minimal complication. Slit operation is no good for you.

Dr Gautam Banga
Reconstructive urologist
Delhi NCR

Dr. Gautam Banga
Category: Andrologist
MS Surgery: MGM Medical College & M.Y Hospital Indore
Residency: M.Ch, Urology, SMS Medical College & Hospitals Jaipur
Medical School: MBBS, BJ Medical College, Pune, 2001
Training in Urethral Reconstructive surgery: Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology center, Pune
Dr. Gautam Banga and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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