Deep parallel lines on scalp after assault

Resolved question:
A few years ago, my husband was assaulted, we thought it was a mugging. He was in the hospital with a bad brain bleed, black and blue face.

Fast forward to today, I just felt two very deep lines on his scalp, parallel, they are an inch apart and they start at the top of his head, almost to the bottom, probably eight inches.

I am wondering if this was something more severe than a mugging - as a doctor, do you know what might cause these lines/scars, cut down to the scalp, across the whole head? I have tried to google it, no luck. One of my sisters is a doctor but she would be too freaked out if I asked her.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Neurosurgeon

Expert:  Dr. Mayank Bhargava replied 4 Days.


Thanks for your consult at Could you please post high res images of the area concerned. The Doctors would be able to give better opinions with them. You can reply/upload as follow-up or email them to

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