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Will glass particle entering vein cause ENDOCARDITIS?

Resolved Question:

Dear Sir,
May I ask nother question.
As far as I know If some foreign Body (glass particle or wood particle) got stuck the surface of heart, inflammtion could happen and clot also be made by immediately and endocarditis soon.
Do you think it is possible to have window periods (no symptom periods) almost 1yr or over, if particle is very small or other reason?
If it is impossbiel I fully finish my concern.
(when my finger vein be cut by bronekn wood by accident.. it is almost 6or 7months ago.)
Thank you very much.

(below is what I get it from another expert)
The particle will be attached to endocardium long enough to cause endocardial inflammation and to be infected after bacteremia. In this case they serve as previous heart problem and may cause endocarditis months even years after.

Category: Radiologist

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Category: Radiologist
 31 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query to
Typically the measuremennts of CBD on MRCP are higher by 40 % .....this happens due to respiratory motion artifacts , so most likely its nothing to worry about especially since you are assymptomatic ........
But i would still suggest a repeat USG every 6 months a few of the CBD & biliary dilatations are known to be transient , secondary to small bowel pathologies at the Ampulla of vater in the second part of the duodenum ....
Hope this helps, fee free to discuss further
Dr. Rohit Malik

Patient replied :

The MRCP demonstrated normal bile ducts but the abdominal ultrasound demonstrated intra & extrahepatic ductal dilatation. The CBD measured 1 cm. This is exactly the opposite of what your answer suggests. I did not know it at the time but the MRI center where I got my MRCP & MRI of abd specializes in orthopedic work . My question is: Should I have my MRI exams reevaluated by a radiologist that specializes in abdominal aging, particulatly with expertise in MRI abdominal imaging.

Honestly I don't feel the need for it, since you are asymptomatic.
But for your concern & academic intrest taking a second opinion will be helpful, if not for anything else , but to allay your anxiety . Once you have conclusive reports you will also feel a lot better.

Dr. Rohit Malik

Dr. Rohit Malik
Category: Radiologist
Residency, Fellowship: DNB, DMRD, DMRE, Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, 1997 – 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Lokmanya TIlak Muncipal Medical College, 1991 – 1997
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