Treatment for anxiety with depression.

Resolved question:

so basically I've been having serious anxiety issues and i have a lot of the symptoms and i am getting pretty scared i er I've been getting really angry lately really quickly and vie been getting really badly stressed um i worry about silly things i have a lot of fears i feel like i can't control them i am having really bad sleep issues and i feel so tired all the time ive had tests and an ultrasound and they came back clear and now I'm thinking that my problems were down to anxiety because i have the symptoms and i feel so alone in my life and fear imp losing or going to lose everyone and i have nightmares and bad thoughts about my family dying even tho they aren't and i worry all the time that i have cancer or some other serious illness every time i go to work i worry I've done something wrong or I'm going to lose my job um i get so nervous too i go out once a month and even tho im used to going i always get so nervous and my stomach goes all funny my heart beats really fast and i get scared and i dont know why and i just its making me really depressed tbh and its been happening for over a year now i get the shakes so bad too and im just im so scared i really don't know what to do i feel like im losing the plot and i hate it i don't want to tell my parents because they will either just say nothing's wrong or that im being silly and i i hope im not being silly i just want to stop these fear and worries the i worry about so much and its really starting to get to me i hate it so much.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


It seems like you have generalized anxiety disorder with superimposed depression.

The first step towards recovery is to accept that you have a medical problem and also to realize that there are ways to get over it. Generalized anxiety disorder is fairly common problem, with various degrees in various people. It may manifest as a Panic attack like the one you are experiencing, with symptoms like palpitations and impending doom

Here are my recommendations-

1) It's important that you learn certain behavior modification technique .Although they will take time to master; it's the best way to get over anxiety

a) Continuous muscle relaxation- As the muscles relaxes, your mind follows suit.

b) Breathing and meditation.

c) Learn calming techniques like massages, gardening, cooking etc.

2) Get professional help if you feel that the symptoms are taking too much of a toll on your daily activity. There are very effective medications, albeit with a few side-effects.

3) Adopt healthy eating habit and follow a good routine of exercises. Avoid alcohol and smoking.

Thank you.

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