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Abdominal pain with swelling previously diagnosed with appendicitis.

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hi, my mother has been sick these days, am far from her and can't see her now, she says a doctor told her she got an Appendicitis, am really so worried about her, i don't know if that is the real disease or not, because I've heard that a person might die suddenly if not operated on immediately,, she said her abdomen is swollen, especially the bottom part. Her major problem is the swelling now, she is fine and took medication but the area is swollen. so please clarify if her condition is okay or if she needs a further medical treatment and operation? thank you

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 21 Doctors Online


It seems like your mother has developed appendicular abscess because she was not operated for appendicitis.

Appendicular abscess is a collection of pus in the appendix that occurs when acute appendicitis is not managed appropriately. This causes extreme pain with swelling into the lower abdomen. There can also be a palpable mass that is felt in the left lower abdomen. Acute appendicitis cannot be treated later than 5 days after the infection, as the infection would have spread to the surrounding structures and intestine. The appendicitis spontaneously burst open and leads to the formation of the appendicular abscess. Appendicular abscess needs careful monitoring and removal which can be done in more than one way.

I would recommend the following-

1)Consult a radiologist and get an ultrasonography of the abdomen. I t will not only help in the diagnosis of the appendicular abscess but also get information on the size, shape, location of the abscess. These information help in deciding the further course of action.

2)The patient has to be started on long term antibiotic like Tab cefepim and Tab. Clindamycin. If she cannot take orally, intravenous treatment has to be started.

3)After intravenous (IV) antibiotic therapy, an interval appendectomy can be performed 4-6 weeks later.

4)Patients with a larger well-defined abscess: After per cutaneous drainage with IV antibiotics are performed, the patient can be discharged with the catheter in place. Interval appendectomy can be performed after the fistula is closed.

5)Adequate parenteral or IV nutrition needs to be given to prevent dehydration.

Thank you

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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