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Baby stuck in position with jerky movements. TANGLED CORDS?

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I'm 32 weeks pregnant. For the last two days the baby has been stuck in same position and keeps making the same jerky movement. I wonder is he's tangled in cord. I feel like he's struggling to get out of that position and just can't. I asked my sister that's had 3 kids the last one she had was 4 months ago and she said she never felt any of her babies move that way.

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 25 Doctors Online

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Often babies do make peculiar movements, if the baby was tangled up in a cord, the movements would be very frantic and increased beyond normal, or extremely diminished .
If this is a feeling you are having, it is best to get an examination done to rule out such a complication.
A simple ultrasound scan and Colour Doppler will tell you the status of the cord with relation to the baby, please get that done.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Thank you doctor I don't mean to sound like a paranoid mom lol. I really appreciate your response I will be calling my doctor to see if he can squeeze me in today at least to have peace of mind. Once more question at 32 weeks would it be normal for the baby to be stuck in the same position because of size? I've felt him push with his legs on one end and his butt goes up on the other end. He's been jerking like that for two days hense why I think he's tangled in cord. But could it be that he's just to big to move out of that spot? Since this is my first pregnancy I don't know what to expect and what's normal. I wish I could see what he was doing In there lol it's the not knowing that makes me worry and I would rather be safe than sorry. Thanks you for your replies!

Hi again.
Welcome to the world of motherhood !
Paranoid defines mothers, so you are pretty much in the ' normal ' range.
And wait until he is out, you would then still be worrying even though you can very much ' see what is going on ' !
At 32 weeks, yes, the baby gets big, and does not get as much space to carry out somersaults as earlier on in pregnancy, when the relative size of the baby compared to the uterus is small, and there is lots of fluid to carry out acrobatics in !.
So it is normal for the baby to kick and apply pressure and jerks to the uterine wall, to try and move around as much as earlier .
It is a normal occurrence, and it is vigilant on your part to pick it up.
All said and done, have the scan and Doppler to put your anxiety to rest.
Happy mother hood !
Best Regards.

Patient replied :

Hi again.
Welcome to the world of motherhood !
Paranoid defines mothers, so you are pretty much in the ' normal ' range.
And wait until he is out, you would then still be worrying even though you can very much ' see what is going on !
At 32 weeks, yes, the baby gets big, and does not get as much space to carry out somersaults as earlier on in pregnancy, when the relative size of the baby compared to the uterus is small, and there is lots of fluid to carry out acrobatics in !.
So it is normal for the baby to kick and apply pressure and jerks to the uterine wall, to try and move around as much as earlier .
It is a normal occurrence, and it is vigilant on your part to pick it up.
All said and done, have the scan and Doppler to put your anxiety to rest.
Happy mother hood !
Best Regards.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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