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Can I continue workout with MOBITZ TYPE1 HEART BLOCK?

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Mobitz type 1 and exercise. I have recently been diagnosed with mobitz type 1 heart block (2nd degree AV block type 1). I am 35 years old and a trained athlete (life time cyclist / runner / weights, last 1.5 years crossfit high intensity short duration workouts). My symptoms were dizziness and irregular heart beat at rest, dropping every 3rd or 4th qrs. I was evaluated and diagnosed with mobitz I by ekg. Echo and cardiac enzymes are normal and there are no other concerns. Resting heart rate around 50 bpm and bp 120/80. No drugs except for occasional celebrex (200mg as needed, only a couple doses per month) and betabocker (used to use atenelol blood pressure but stopped about 1 hear ago), also moderate caffiene and alchol. I was evaluated by a cardiac electrophysiologist and he indicated that the condition was benign and would not progress to any other conditions (like more advanced heart block or other). He also indicated (which seemed contradictory) that because I was symptomatic I should reduce exercise duration and intensity (I only do crossfit 4-5 x per week for 30 minutes and cycle 1-2 times per week for 1 hour). Why if the condition is benign should I reduce exercise.. He did say something about the heart rewiring and causing fibrosis and scaring from the condition but this does not sound like something that is benign to me. I also was unable to find any documentation or reports of this (but obviously I am not a dr...) Can I continue my high intensity and endurance work outs? Do I have risk of this progressing to something worse like fibrosis or other heart issues? Exercise is very important to me and the high intensity specifically has kept my blood pressure and lipids healthy (as well as mental health!). Is there other ways to control this issue? Is there an increase risk of mortality or adverse cardiac events from this condition ( I have seen reports that this is so... again does not seem so benign) please advise..

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 25 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
I understand your concern
I have noted your symptoms. You are having Mobitz type I second degree AV block. This is relatively benign condition compared to Mobitz type 2 block which is a more severe variety and may progress to complete heart block. Still there is small percentage of patient in Mobitz type 1 block (infranodal variety) which can also progress to more severe heart blocks. So please upload your reports for further evaluation. I agree with your doctor that this could be (if type 1, 2nd degree at AV level) a benign condition , because there is no progression but since you have symptoms such as dizziness (which occur due to skipped beats and reduced blood supply to brain and blood pressure), Intense workout increases work load and oxygen and blood demand of heart and may precipetate syncope and dizziness, so he has adviced to avoid intense exercise, though you can continue moderate exercises.
Hope it was helpful
Feel free to discuss further

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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