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Continuous bleeding and chance of pregnancy

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My Wife has monthly women's MC related issue. She has contineously blooding issue. We are worrying because as of now we do not need child. She has doubt that she is pregnent. Need someone to guide, what we need to do.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 29 Doctors Online


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If your wife is having bleeding, it is unlikely to be related to pregnancy. When there is pregnancy there will not be bleeding, unless there is a early abortion.

So most likely your wife is NOT pregnant and the bleeding is unrelated to pregnancy.

A simple method will be to get a Urine Pregnancy test - which will be available in all medical shops and do a test. This can help to diagnose a pregnancy. If the bleeding is persisting however you will have to take her to a Gynaecologist.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask folloup questions
Thank you

Patient replied :

Dr. Deepu,

Thanks for your quick response. Actually she has already gone through Urine Pregnancy test, and after testing she observed that there is a single red color line there.What it indicates here ? that is why we are worrying..
Please let me know how can we clear about the Pregnancy. Also let me know the name of perfect medicine for abostion, as it just around 2-3 week. Also provide any contact number of your so that my wife can directly get words with you now.

Thanks in advance.

Please Response

Hi Team please responde to my query, i have still some doubt....


The line and marking of the pregnancy test varies on different company. However if general there need to be two red or pink lines in parallel. Then only it is positive. In your case (based on your description) it seem the test is Negative for pregnancy.

However to be sure you can repeat it after 1-2 weeks. One sure shot method would be to do an early trimester Ultrasound scan which can be at 12 weeks onwards. For now this is not necessary. Do repeat the test. See the package instructions and guidelines to interrupt the test.

Since she had bleeding it is unlikey that she is pregnant.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
please note , we do not offer phone based consultations.

Thank you

Patient replied :

You have not replied of my question that what is best and trustes medicine name if we want obertion.


There are no Over the counter abortion medications. You will need to get in touch with a Obstetrician and Gynaecologist if the scenario arises.

Thank you

Patient replied :

Thanks for guidance.

Your are welcome. I will keep this consult open, so you can ask further questions if needed later.

Thank you

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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