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Detection of Trichomoniasis infection

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Hi doctor, I had a smear test off late and the results were fine but there was a tick mark on the box representing Trichomoniasis infection. I went again to the doctor who prescribed me a tablet which was to be inserted into my vagina. I am not sure whether it is the right treatment. Please enlighten me with that. Also, tell me about genital warts. I saw some pictures of genital warts and they were very disturbing.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query. Trichomoniasis infection is basically the result of a parasite used found in the vagina. As a result of this infection, there is a vaginal discharge which is yellowish green in colour and has extremely strong odor. If you were given a tick mark on the box depicting Trichomoniasis infection then you also must be having this discharge. Other symptoms of this infection include irritation and itching at the genital region, extreme discomfort at the time of urination and sexual intercourse. Pain in the lower section of the abdomen is also one of the symptoms which is usually very rare. The medicine that was given to you must have been Colposeptine which is a good medicine for this infection. Don’t worry that is inserted into the vaginal region. I would also suggest you that your sexual partner whether your boyfriend or husband should also get himself checked.

Moving on to your next question regarding the much talked about disease genital warts. As you have seen the pictures of genital warts where there are clusters of warts near the genital area of both men and women. It is spread by the HPV virus and is very dangerous disease. People having such disease may also pass it on to their partners while having sex. There is hardly any cure available for such a disease. However, with good medication, its effects can be reduced to some extent. Take care. 

Dr. Cecelia J. Russ
Category: Family Physician-GP
- Medical School - New York Institute of Technology, New York College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Duke University Medical Center, Residency in Family Medicine
Dr. Cecelia J. Russ and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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