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Diagnosed with SVT, ANGINA with palpitations. ABLATION.

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I've had an ablation. I'm diagnosed with SVT and angina along with anxiety. Can't stop shaking and having chest palpitations

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 20 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
Going through your case history, I need some information like :

Duration of symptoms
Risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking
Thyroid profile
Echocardiogram and EKG
History about ablation and when did you undergo
Present vitals like blood pressure, pulse rate
Present medications

I would like to see these reports before I give any suggestions

Dr Satish

Patient replied :

Duration: constant for an hour
no risk factors
my thyroid has been checked 100% fine
all but one EKG/ECHO has came back normal
I had my ablation one year ago. June 2, 2014
blood pressure is normal heart rate is at 110 (resting)
present medications: beta blockers

Your resting heart rate is high
I would suggest Holter Monitoring
To do Stress test to rule out the cause of angina
Step up the dosage of beta blockers
Till you do these above test, mean while I suggest tab nitroglycerine in case you have angina.
Dr Satish

Dr. E. Satish Kumar
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Fellowship, Cardiology - Tamil Nadu Doctor M.G.R. Medical University - DNB, Cardiology, 2002 – 2005Training in Germany in Complicated AngioplastiesMedical School - Maharaja Krushna Chandra Gajapati Medical college, MBBBS MD, Int Medicine, 1989 – 1999.
Trained in Rota Abalation for treating Calcific coronary artery disease in Japan
Dr. E. Satish Kumar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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