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Out of real frustration, I am writing this. Few years ago, I had sweating feet. Later on the sweat started smelling badly. At times, people used to say that I smell like feces. Even I can get that smell at times. Moreover I have a very bad smelling breath and mouth. This makes me very much embarrassed and I am even unable to go out or to work. Please suggest me a solution.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 32 Doctors Online

Hello. Thanks for writing to us.

Let me speak about your excessive sweat.

There are many conditions that cause excessive sweating in an individual

1)Hormonal disorders like thyroid dysfunction, pituitary dysfunction.

2)Medical conditions like diabetes

3)Sympathetic over activity as in case of spinal cord injuries.

4)Consumables like caffeine, nicotine which trigger sweating

5)Brain lesions

6)Poisoning with metals like mercury.

7)Most commonly psychological nervousness

Out of all these, nervousness and anxiety which are a part of general anxiety disorder, is to be suspected in your case. Try to relax and meditate whenever feasible. Also try to run some lab tests like thyroid and diabetic screen to rule out other systemic associations.

On the other hand, bad breath from the mouth is called halitosis. It is associated with the following conditions:

1)Gum diseases

2)Infection of teeth

3)Infection in the mouth or pharynx

4)Secretions from the nose that are jammed in the pharynx(post nasal drip as in sinusitis)

5)Infected tonsils.

6)Zenker’s diverticulum, a condition where there is a remnant pharyngeal pouch in which food material gets accumulated, leading to bad breath.

7)Oesophageal diseases like reflux disease or hiatal hernia

Of all the conditions, gum diseases or periodontal diseases contribute for majority of the cases. I would like to advise you the following

1)Avoid foods like garlic,onion

2)Avoid smoking and try to cut down alcohol consumption

3)Brush twice a day

4)Use a mouth freshening agent

5)Consult a dentist for a diagnostic approach to assess from where the problem is.

Hope this is of some help.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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