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Effect of testosterone shots on penile size.

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When I was 17 I took a one time dose of 500 mgs of testosterone enanthanate or could of been deca durabolin not sure but one of those for sure... My question is did this one time shot lower my testosterone enough to affect my penis size , or affect my bone growth stunt my growth? I looked up the side effects after taking the shot and decided not to continue illegal use of steroids . Be honest and give me detail I need a confident answer. It was only one shot but sort of a high dose. Please help this is stressing me out mentally

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No, under normal circumstances a single shot (even high doses) of Testosterone will not affect penis size or stunt your growth. This is because human body has an intricate mechanism of hormonal feedback loop. There will be self adjustment if there is high level of circulating hormones.

Unless you have used Testosterone for prolonged periods it is unlikely to cause any significant side effects.

Hope this helps
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Thank you

Patient replied :

so percentage wise how strongly do u feel about the affect of it not affecting my penis or bone growth? also itook adderall for three years it shrunk my penis while on it and at first i lost 35 pounds mainly fat at 13 and i didnt eat correctly for six months could that of stunted or lowered my testosterone enough to affect anything? THANKS FOR THE REPLY I BELIEVE IN YOU.

Percentage wise with is single dose Testosterone it is near zero ! Adderall might cause erectile dysfunction , but should not affect testes and penis size. Neither does the weight loss. If you are not having any other symptoms like lack of sexual arousal or erectile dysfunction you need not worry at all. Probably your body is built that way. And more over testes and penis sizes vary a lot and it has no effect on sexual ability.

Hope this helps
Let me know whether you have any symptoms
Thank you

Patient replied :

Thank you , one doctor told me that the shot of testosterone could of contributed to stunted skeletal growth is that possible? Also read that adderall lowers human growth hormone could that be reason why my penis is kinda small? I'm talking girth not length


I am not sure why the Doctor told you something like that. But in my opinion single Testosterone shot will not cause any issue. Regarding Adderall there is lot of misinformation in the internet. Penise size or girth is not all a factor in good sexual realationship. It should not matter and you should not worry about it at all.

Thank you

Patient replied :

Sorry last question please excuse me if I am getting annoying what if was deca durabolin I heard that with a single dose it could shut my testosterone down for a month.. Please reply that's my last question thank you so much for your extra help i appreciate you greatly.

No issues. deca durabolin is long acting. So the effect could have lasted 3 weeks or so. STILL IT IS UNLIKELY that you will get any stunted growth from this. The effects are reversible and so when the drug effects wanes off everything should come back to normal state under normal circumstances.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Dr. J Muthukrishnan
Category: Diabetologist
1. 10th Asia-Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society  Fellows meeting, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2008
2. Eighth ICMR Course on Genetics and Genetic Counseling – Jul 2008 – SGPGI, Lucknow
3. Annual Certificate Course on Endocrinological Laboratory Techniques at National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) Hyderabad,India, ( Aug-Sep 2006) 
Fellowship: Endocrinology, Diplomate of National Board, National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2008, Medwin Hospital, Hyderabad
Senior Residency: Diplomate of National Board (General Medicine), National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, 1997-2000, Armed Forces Medical College, 2nd position in University
Medical School: MBBS, Armed Forces Medical College, 1992
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