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Felt like pulled something, jolt in body on snorting.

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So I have always seemed to produce what I assume to be a lot of snot but perhaps I just assume that any amount is too much. So early in life I developed the habit of pulling it down by snorting and using my mouth and throat to create further suction and spitting it out otherwise I'd be having to blow my nose almost constantly as I clear my sinus this way at least once a minute. So the other night I was with friends and did this like always but this time felt like I "pulled" on something fixed in place and for a split second I heard the loudest snap or pop sound in my head and an electric "jolt" in my whole body. My one friend described seeing me in that moment as just freezing in place mid action handing him a Xbox controller. I immediately grabbed my coat and had them drive me to the hospital, during the drive there and while in the waiting room I was feeling really cold and finding it a bit hard to collect my thoughts into well organized sentences and that I had to actually try hard to pay attention to more than one thing at a time. It was also noticed that it felt like each breath wasn't getting me the air I needed, I also had a lot of sensations throughout my abdomen that eventually settled as a small amount of pressure if you will behind the bottom of my sternum. While in the waiting room it like a battle inside me to stay awake against impending sleep. After a couple hours got into triage where I explained how I felt the best I could, was sent back out to wait more and after about two more hours figured I was still alive, feeling a bit more normal, and wasn't rushed into the ER that it must not be too serious. For the next couple days I'd felt kinda cloudy, short tempered, not as mentally acute as normal, dropped things a few times which is all very uncharacteristic of me. Also sleeping a lot longer at nights. I went and got my vitals from that night and had my blood pressure taken again to see if that night they were different but they weren't. So I have hight blood pressure bit I already knew that. Results from that night were:
pulse 127, resp 22, BP 132/98(a tad lower than days later), MAP 109, SpO2 100%. I'm 31 175 lb, 6'1" white male. smoker and drinker.
I want to find out what that sound and jolt was all about! I have set an appointment for next week with a local ENT and start taking my sinus issues more serious from here on but
I'm worried now that I may have had a very small bleed that may dislodge and kill me based on what others described online except that I had 0 pain and that seems to be a consistent part of SAH/anurisum accounts. Anyone have any idea what might have really happened that night and where to go forward from here?

Category: Allergy and Immunologist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 20 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through.
However I would like a few clarifications before I can discuss further:
1) were you having dizziness or giddiness. Feeling world is going around?
2) Was there difficulty in coordination of your movements like walking?
3) How were you breathing at that time/
4) Were there tremors, palpitation, sweating etc?
Please let me know these things so that I can answer you further.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

Patient replied :

1. No giddiness, maybe I was too worried to have felt am mused though. More cloudy and hazy than dizziness. 2. On a very minor level. More with my hands. Dropping things miss typing, and not spelling well still. 3. Breathing is slightly hard to put in words, like I had to try to remember to keep breathing some of the time and at other times it was like I was trying to breathe extra deep because it seemed like the air in the room was like from a bag I'd been breathing in and out of for 5 minutes, but knowing that I was in fact breathing plenty kept me from panicking 4. No

The snap or pop sound that you heard is probably different and not related to the symptoms that you had there after. The sound that you heard while you cleared the throat could be the sound of the Eustachian tube popping open and many times it can lead to such a shrill sound.
The other symptoms that you have mentioned suggest that you could be having a panic attack. This is a disorder of anxiety and occurs cause of imbalance of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. especially serotonin, nor adrenaline, and dopamine to some extent. Medicines are the best options to take care of these symptoms. Paroxetine is the the most popular medicine and my drug of choice. I generally prescribe my patients 12.5 mg per day at night which takes care of anxiety symptoms. Also certain medicines like propranolol and clonazepam can be give as required when there is a panic episode or expected situation where panic attack can appear.
Also there is an option of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This therapy is taken by either a psychologist or a psychiatrist in which the therapist identifies impaired cognitions (Thoughts) and try to correct them. They are 15-20 min weekly session and there should be around 8-10 sessions to help you with your illness.
Nothing to panic at this stage. Get a ENT and psychiatry consultation for the same.
Kind regards

Patient replied :

I too think that I was a panic attack that followed but if I can clarify, I have to pop my ears on a constant basis and can do so easily but the "Volume" of this was out of this world in comparison so hypothetically if it were not the eustachian tube equalizing what would the second most likely cause be?

The other likely cause could be sudden movement of ear ossicles, the
tiny bones in the middle ear. Or there could be other ear pathologies
like burst tympanic membrane or damage to the labyrinth. However if
you are having no ear symptoms as of now, nothing to worry much.

Hope this helps,
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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