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I am 38 years old male ( 79 KG -5 feet 10 inches)based near Delhi - India . My uric acid remains high between 8 and 9.2 without medicine . If i take febuget 80 mg ( febuxostat) for two to three weeks it comes down to around 4 . If i done take it raises to 8 - 9 range in 4 to 6 weeks .It doesn't cause any major pain , just niggling here and there .Though Lately I have pain in my right heel but not sure if its due to uric acid or excessive walking /running on the treadmill .

I Take non Veg once a month or not even that some times .
Consumes 2 to 4 eggs in a week
Alcohol is pretty limited around 300 ml in 2 weeks days .( around three pegs of 50 ml in a week) ,
I have consulted many doctors and they prescribe febuget or any anti uric acid medicine with low protein diet which i don't take much anyway . Being a veggie i do take Pulse every day once.

But URIC acid remain in control till i take medicine like Febuget ..without it it start rising as explained above .

One thing that struck my mind is that my Urea is very low in KFT report and uric acid is high . Does it signifies any thing ? I read on the net that Liver synthesizes protein to amino acid to urea to nitrogen , so is it that my liver is not able to handle protein properly resulting in low UREA values and since protein not digested , in crease uric acid automatically .Though LFT looks normal .

Attached are KFT and LFT report . i am pretty active in GYM but since my protein in take is limited i feel i am not getting required nutrition to my body due to uric acid issues. I had gout attack once three years back after that none .

Other medical info: I Take Hypothyroid medicine everyday . and had stomach issues last year with positive Hpylori for which i took Hpylori course and better now .

Please share your view/medication how to cure this Uric acid problem once and for all without the need for medicine . Is it possible ??

Sonal Bhardwaj

Category: Nephrologist

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Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
 19 Doctors Online

Hello and thankyou for posting your query at
High uric acid( UA) is seen in several condition including those with kidney disease, diabetes , hypertension, obesity and in many for genetic reasons. The diet might aggravate the hyperuricemia but need not contribute to it totally.The drug " febuxostat" can partially decrease the level of UA but you need to take it for a long time so that it will be always in the normal range.Animal protein in non vegetarian food can increase the UA level but not to an extent of keeping it always high requiring the drug therapy.
Patient with hypothyroidism also will have a high UA as there is a generalized "less metabolic activity " in the body in them. So normalization of TSH is very important before correcting it. You need to take the drug for 3-4 months. You might have to use it for a long time if required but as the drug is safe and has got no associated adverse effects, you can continue the drug even for years while watching UA and LFT
People with less kidney function are supposed to have an elevated UA as the metabolism of UA takes place in kidneys. I could not open the file attachment with your mail as they are password protected. Can you resubmit the reports or you can mention them in the mail.
Thank you

Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju

Patient replied :

password: BHARDWAJ
Pls check reports ,my Tsh is under control for last 1 year ,since detected,
So there is no cure ..only containment with medicine for uric acid. Pls comment why does reports says as my urea is at low level and uric acid is high...does it signify anything that lever is not synthizing protein as mentioned in my original question. Can u answer this particular aspect?
Also please suggest course of action for me.

The urea as per the report is normal.The so called normal range is an arbitrary value which is based on several observations rather than a few. Your urea report is not significant as your liver is normally functioning as per the LFT report
The phosphorus report shows that the value is less as per your age. You need to get vitamin D levels once, which can be corrected if less, and you will feel more comfortable with your muscle activity at gym
Though you are bit of a regular non vegetarian, I don't think you should cut down the non veg diet further. You have the tendency for Uric acid accumulation, which may be an error in renal handling of Uric acid. It doesn't mean that your kidneys are not good but the handling ( excretion of UA) is defective may be due to genetic errors which are common in many with Uric Acid metabolism
You need to take the drug for several months and see. As your TSH is normal now , continue with the same dose of thyroxine. Try to shed some fat through regular physical activity and dietary discipline

I hope this has helped.

Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju
Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
FISN : Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology(ISN), 2012
FIACM : Fellowship of Indian Association of Clinical Medicin(IACM), 2012
FICP: Indian College of Physicians Association of Physicians of India, 2012
Fellowship: DM, DNB, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, 1994
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