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Lump on shinbone gets bigger on standing after injury.

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Hi. I bumped my leg on some furniture and have a lump on the shinbone that is painful and blue. When I put the foot down the lump gets bigger. It's about one inch wide and a few inches long. When I stand on the foot it's more painful and it gets bigger. Should I see a doctor?

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
It looks from your details that you are having a soft tissue injury of leg. You should do following -
1.Do rest.
2.Do cold fomentation over swelling .
3.Take an anti inflammatory analgesic like Advil or IBuprofen 400 mg twice daily after food.
You continue the above mentioned measures for 2 days and let me know.
You should recover by then.
Feel free to discuss any other queries,
Hope this will help you.

Patient replied :

I have done icing of the leg a while and kept the foot up. It's painfully when I walk but better. It seems like the bump get larger when I walk and it looks like it's filled with blood or some fluid. It's about 5 inches long and the bump is soft to touch.
I'm on vacation and don't want to get stuck inside. Is it ok to walk around even if it's painful and it bump bulges more when the leg is down? Or should I stay inside and rest for a day with the foot up and ice on it? Don't want to make it worse by a lot of activity.
Can an I use paracetamol for the pain, can't handle ibuprofine because it's hard for the stomach. I'm not taking any painkillers because I don't want to take it not really needed.

Thanks for pictures.
It has helped me to understand more.
It looks from these pictures that you are also having an abrasion.
There may be collection of blood in this.For safety you should also take a broad spectrum antibiotic with this.
You may walk with caution with this injury.
You may use paracetamol with this.
Hooe this was helpful,

Patient replied :

Thank you! I´m on anticiotics for some infectons i´m treating long term. Biaxin, doxycyclin and rifampin. It may be enough?
So do you think I can be in activity with this even if it hurts a bit and swells up a bit more? Im staying in today andkeep icing it, but hope to be active tomorow since its a vacation.
Could it be a swelling inside the bone or in the muscles? Is it blood that causes swelling or something else?


-The antibiotics like those which you are on are sufficient.
-You may do a mild activity but not strenuous activities like walking for hours.
-This swelling is in soft tissue like subcutaneous tissue (just under the skin). Swelling does not seem to involve muscles.
-It is the inflammation which is causing an increased blood flow around the abrasion, with accumulation of fluid and hence the swelling.

I hope that answers your questions.


Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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