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Morning after pill and cervical cancer

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According to my urologist he would see in my urethra if I was a HPV carrier, because there would be some irritation. Is this correct?
And a second question-is it possible to trigger cervical cancer by taking a morning-after pill?

Category: Urologist

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Category: Andrologist
 28 Doctors Online

Hello, and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.
The only way we can check for an HPV infection is through fluid smear/swab from the skin if any lesion is present and by tissue biopsy.
You might be having a urine infection or uretheritis because of which you are having burning sensation.

HPV infection can be passed on from person to person by direct skin contact. Genital- genital, Oral-genital, anal-genital and oral-anal sex increase the chances of HPV transmission. With increased number of different sexual partners the risk of getting and infection further increases.

Females with HPV are prone for cancer of cervix but there is no 100% relation. However there are vaccines available which can prevent cervical cancer. Feel free to follow up with any further query. Thankyou

Patient replied :

I am sorry to say that you didn´t answer my questions.
What you produced for 35 dollars I can get, plus much more info, by using google. I had expected more from you. If you read my questions, as I have written them, you wouldn´t answer in such a general way. The first resukts on google give much more info. I am disappointed and feel that you ripped off 35 dollars for nothing.
Thankyou, and I shall never fall for this scam again and will also tell my friends to go and see a doctor instead
of waisting money on you.


I am Dr.Deepu Sebin Sebastian. I am Internal Medicine and ID (Infectious Disease Specialist ). I was emailed in since you were not happy with your response. You can ask followup questions / request a change in consult speciality/ go for a full refund. Please contact [email protected]

First of all Sorry for the incomplete reply you replied. I do agree it does not provide any value to you.

I see around 100 patients a week. 30% of them are online and 99% of them are exceptionally happy with the service I provide. Most of them utilise the followup option to receive clarifications. Anyhow it is my duty to make things clear from my end.

"According to my urologist he would see in my urethra if I was a HPV carrier, because there would be some irritation. Is this correct?" - No this is not entirely correct. You may have suggestive signs of HPV infection (such as warts), but a confirmed diagnosis usually needs lab testing. There are other methods of testing like acetic acid test, but they have very low yield. Irritation is a very non specific sign and it not specific or suggestive of HPV. Recommended tests will be a DNA tests and Pap Smear.

"And a second question-is it possible to trigger cervical cancer by taking a morning-after pill? "- NO. A single or few morning after pills will not trigger cervical cancer.

Hope this clarifies.
Please contact support if you need a refund. You can ask a followup if you need clarifications (I have opened up 6 free followups for you). I will be taking over this consultation from now on.

Thank you

Patient replied :

Thank you for answering my question. As i dont have any signs of warts etc a Pap smear wont say anything, so where can I go for a DNA test.
Best regards


Testing for HPV is bit tricky. There are 40 serotype of HPV virus and you cannot test for all of them. May I know what is the indication for testing ? What prompted you for the testing ?

Is the Pap smear totally normal ?

HPV DNA testing is done by collecting the samples from cervix (just like in a Pap Smear test). Specimens are collected from endocervix using a Dacron swab or cervical brush, which is then placed in HPV test transport medium . Your OBGYN will be the best person to do this.

* Avoid testing during mensturation. Do no use spermicide containing lubricants, douching or other vaginal cleaning methods prior to testing
* Please not only high risk HPV types are tested usually.
* There are no blood tests which can identify HPV

Hope this helps
Thank you

Patient replied :

Hi and thanks. There is a slight misunderstanding I realize regarding if I can find out if I have HPV viruses. You mention menstruation, but I am a male, so avoiding menstruation is not an issue. So, is there any way for men to check for HPV? My urologist said that he will always see something like small irritations or similar in the urethra if there is any HPV. True or must one go into DNA levels to find out?
Best regards

Sorry about the confusion. The Sex coloumn was blank and since you asked about morning after pill I just assumed that you are a female !

Well, I am not sure why your Urologist told that. Because it is not possible to diagnosis HPV by visual inspection. 99% HPV will not have any obvious manifestations. The urethra will be normal. Irritations are not specific for HPV at all.

Regarding the tests, in men there are NO commonly employed HPV tests. Whatever I have mentioned are intended for women and cannot be done in men. However if you are otherwise healthy you need not worry about testing. If there is any special circumstances (like a suspected cancer ) the testing might be done using special methods. But if you are otherwise healthy u need not worry about this at all. Almost 50% of adult men have HPV infection. Even if you find it is positive there is nothing surprising or nothing to be worried about.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr. Gautam Banga
Category: Andrologist
MS Surgery: MGM Medical College & M.Y Hospital Indore
Residency: M.Ch, Urology, SMS Medical College & Hospitals Jaipur
Medical School: MBBS, BJ Medical College, Pune, 2001
Training in Urethral Reconstructive surgery: Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology center, Pune
Dr. Gautam Banga and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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