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The leg swelling could most probably be due to high blood pressure. High blood pressure makes your heart worker harder than it needed to before. Over the space of many years, this extra effort can lead to the heart muscle becoming thicker and less effective at pushing the blood round. This allows fluid to build up in your lower legs and ankles, which causes them to swell up.
Swollen ankles can also be a side effect of some blood pressure medicines, in particular calcium channel blockers. These medicines make your small blood vessels open wider and, in some people, this can cause more fluid to leak out of the blood vessels into the tissues. This fluid will collect around your ankles. In its early stages, ankle swelling is an inconvenience but does not cause any major problems.
So I would advise you to check with a Cardiologist and change the blood pressure medicine. Diuretic medicines increase the amount of fluid removed by your kidneys and this can help to get rid of any excess fluid from the body. This removes the build up of fluid from the tissues in your ankles. You can help to reduce the swelling by sitting with your legs lifted up. This lets your blood flow more freely and should help reduce the swelling.
Hope this helps. feel free if you have any further questions.
Thank you