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On Provera for PCOS and Endometriosis with bleeding on missing dose

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I am a 23 yr old female and have taken provera progesterone for 3 years due to pcos and endometriosis. I take 2 10mg tablets once a day. I didnt take my tablets for over a week...then I started again with my normal daily dosage. I then forgot to take them Saturday night. Today is Monday and I have had bad cramps all day. I then went to the toilet and saw this dark browny red discharge in my underwear. I know this isnt my period. What do I do from here??

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 21 Doctors Online


Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
What you are experiencing is called withdrawal bleeding.
You did not take your tablets for a week, so the body experienced a withdrawal of the hormone progesterone, which led to a withdrawal bleed / spotting.
It is not your normal period, but occurred due to taking the pills erratically and stopping them in between.
You should not stop provera, but continue taking the pills as advised.
Taking them continuously will lead to stoppage of the minor spotting.

Take care, please feel free to ask for further clarifications.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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