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Problem relates to digestion and lack of desire to eat

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Since from a month , I am facing a problem with digestion . Poor digestion , Always I have pressure to lose waste and heavy stomach and less desire to consume food needed to me. feeling of vomiting if don't slept well in night.

Actually I am bachelor living away from hometown and mostly consume food outside.

Please suggest me to recover from this.

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 21 Doctors Online

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The problem you've been having is nothing but indigestion. It is a very common problem. And it common because of consuming outside and unhealthy food habits. It is a vague feeling of discomfort in upper belly associated with feeling of fullness, bloating and nausea.

Unhealthy food habits leads to a condition called gastritis where the inner lining of your stomach becomes inflamed and swollen. This causes abdominal pain and leads to ulcer. So it is important to not to leave this condition to develop into that stage. Common food habits which causes gastritis are Drinking too much alcohol, Eating spicy, fatty, or greasy foods, Emotional stress, Tobacco smoking, eating too fast, eating more junk foods, frequent use of pain killers like NSAIDs. If you have been doing any of this, please stop them as it will only worsen your problem.

Treatment for indigestion depends on the underlying cause. I would recommend you to consult a GP for evaluation of the cause by doing few blood tests and X-ray abdomen. The initial line of management is usually with Antacids like pantaprazole. It is available over the counter, for immediate relief you can take pantaprazole 40 mg once a day for couple of days before or after food till you get GP appointment. Your GP might prescribe this medicine or different medicine depending upon the severity and the underlying cause. I will not advise you to take it for not more than 3 days. And at home you can try this natural remedy as well which is One of the most common remedies is to take two spoons of lime and ginger juice, and honey mixed in a glass of warm water.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you need further help.

Thank you

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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