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Rotting meat smell and tooth pushed into maxillary sinus

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I had a tooth removed some years ago and the dentist snapped off part of the root and pushed in into my sinus (maxcillary I believe). I was sent to Hospital to have a scan on it which confimed it was there but that there was a strong possibility that as it was only just sticking through it would cause no issue. Unfortunately this was not the case. Some six months later i started to notice a smell when I sniffed similar to rotting meat. I went to a doctor and he thought it was an infection in my nose and gave me antibiotics. This worked for the short term but the smell returned. I was x rayed again and told the bit of tooth was in sinus completely now rattling aabout and causing the infection. I was told I would need the Caldwell Luc operation which to be frank looked scary. Anyway this didn't happen as i managed to blow my nose harder and harder until finally (after two months) the root fell out of my nose! I felt so much better and for the last three months (after another dose of antibiotics to be sure any infection still in there was killed) I have been fine but in the last few days i have noticed a return of the smell ,only faint this time but still there.  What are my options and what else could it be?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 26 Doctors Online

I understand your concern and assure you there is nothing to worry about. From what you have mentioned, this is one of those rarest cases, wherein accidently during surgical removal of the Maxillary 1st Molar, the root facing the palate known as the palatal root it has a chance of going into the maxillary sinus if the dentist is not careful. Now that you have mentioned that the root has come out through forceful sneezing and smell is still persistent it could be probably due to an abscess in the sinus. There is no infection because it would be associated with pus discharge and swollen appearance. If the smell persists then it could be due to the decay of surrounding teeth.

I would suggest you to get an investigation done called Orthopantamograph (OPG), which gives a description of the upper and lower jaws. In addition he would also need CT scan of the skull. This can give you a clearer picture. You can also use higher dose of antibiotics like Taxim o 200 mg twice a day after food for 5 days.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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