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Safety of pre dated delivery

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As on LMP my wife EDD is 20.05.13 where as per USG it is 07.01.14. How much it is safe to go for delivery on 10.12.13. Baby weight is near about 2142gm (+- 319) as on 22.12.13. Looking for your kind advise.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for your consult at

Firstly , I would like to tell you that you have posed a very confusing question. All the dates mentioned in the question you have typed are wrong. Hence, it has caused considerable confusion to me.

I have gone through the ultrasound reports which you luckily uploaded, and all the details are clashing with the details provided by you. Firstly, you have typed that the EDD as per LMP is 20.5.13, whereas it is 20.12.13 ( Am I right ? )
Now, you have said that the baby weight is 2142 gm on 22.12 13 , whereas it is 2142 gm on 21.11.13 . ( Again, am I right in the interpretation ? ). This leaves me with the third date - which is the main question - is it safe to go for delivery on 10.12.13. Now, please confirm the dates, and let me know if this is indeed the date that you want to know about.

Regarding my answer, it took me considerable amount of time to go through all the reports and piece together the information, particularly as it was clashing with everything typed by you.

While framing the question, I request you to be thorough and cross check everything twice, to avoid waste of time and energy to both of us.
Now, for the answer - regarding the disparity in dates, it exists right since the beginning

Even the scan done on 2nd of September gave the EDD to be 2.1.13, instead of 20.12.13.

Hence, I strongly suspect that the real EDD is not 20.12.13.

Probably your wife had delayed cycles ( were her periods regular - this is a very important detail I would wish to know )

Secondly, were any ultrasound scans done before the 2nd of September ?

Ultrasound scans done in the first trimester ( preferably before 12 weeks ) are most reliable - so if you could upload those reports, it will help me to give you a much more reliable and specific answer.

Right now, going by the reports, the baby is 33 wks 2d by ultrasound.
On 10.12.13 ( the date you wish for the delivery ), the baby would be 36 weeks only by ultrasound .

So, it is not safe to go for delivery that early ( I am assuming ultrasound dates to be correct, as they are being tallied since the beginning, and an earlier report MIGHT change my opinion, I request you to provide me with that at the earliest ).

Delivery before 37 weeks has risks to the baby in terms of complications of prematurity - poor lung development, respiratory problems, metabolic problems etc.

It is not recommended unless there is grave risk in continuation of the pregnancy, either to the mother or to the baby. Delivery as near as possible to term should be conducted.

All the best.
Looking forward to hearing from you with more details.

I hope you do not mind that I criticized the errors in the typing, its just that it is deleterious for you too to be casual while mentioning such important details, upon which your whole query was based.
Take care.

Patient replied :

Dear Mam,
I extremely sorry for the mistake. I don't know how it's happen. May be typing mistake. I like to clarify....
1. She was having irregular period history.
2. I am herewith attaching 11th week USG report for your reference.
If you require any more details pls. Convey me.

Admin Message -

We have not received any attachment, as you had mentioned in the follow-up. You could try again or alternatively, email to [email protected].

Patient replied :

Again I am herewith attaching 11week USG report FYKR.

Hello , I understand an error might have occurred.
I have tried to view the latest report of 11 weeks uploaded by you.
It is a very tiny picture with very grainy picture quality and very poor resolution.
Could you please upload a better and clearer version ( the earlier reports attached by you were optimum for viewing ).
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Take care.

Patient replied :

PFA higher res picture

Even as per the first trimester scan, the EDD is 28.12.13.
As she had irregular cycles, I would suggest waiting till ATLEAST 28th of December, and having a repeat scan if she does not go into labour by then, to assess fetal weight and maturity.
All the best.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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