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Scan reports indicate fatty liver and cirrrhosis morphology

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i have enclosed the blood test reports of my brother in law..doctors are not in a position to say the desesae but they suspect cirrhosis...scan reports indicate fatty liver with cirrhological morphology...we r from karnataka costal area..WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS DESEASE...can u suggest me treatments,,are there treatments to completely cure this ..

Category: Hepatologist

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Category: Hepatologist
 20 Doctors Online


Thank you for your consult at I am Dr. Kini and I am pleased to assist you.

I went through the reports you have attached. There is nothing suggestive of cirrhosis in those reports.

Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver is damaged. The liver tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue and liver becomes shrunken.

This affects the function of liver and can cause complications like blood vomiting, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and feet, Later it may cause poor functioning of kidneys and brain. Cirrhosis is commonly caused by alcohol intake, viral infections including hepatitis B and C. Cirrhosis is irreversible and liver transplantation is the only permanent cure.

Cirrhosis is diagnosed by clinical examination, scan and liver biopsy.

The reports you have attached is not showing anything that is suggestive of cirrhosis.

I would like to know what symptoms your brother in law is having.

If there any other test reports including scan, kindly upload those reports.


Patient replied :

thanks for giving reply
my brother in law is having recurring stomach pain and he is not having proper digestion .his sister expired two months back of cirrhosis of liver.his mother had the same disease prior to his death.i have enclosed ct scan reports..pls let me know about his condition and treatments

I went through the CT scan report.
It looks like he has features of early cirrhosis.

You have mentioned that his sister and mother had cirrhosis. May I know what was the cause of cirrhosis in them?

Patient replied :

no sir we dont know the reasons...but none were there a test to find out the reasons?is there a complete cure for this?doctor we consulted says that this has no cure and he says that only the symptoms can be treated but not the disease or pathology.he says that his life span is at the most 10 years from now.we have also done a test today and i m enclosing the report...



Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.

As said earlier, the most common causes are alcohol intake and hepatitis B and C infections.

You have mentioned he is a non-alcoholicl and if he is negative for these infections, then other less common causes should be looked for. These include autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases etc.
Tests like ANA, AMA, SMA, Anti LKM1, Serum ceruloplasmin, serum ferritin, tests of alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, NAFLD etc.

From the reports attached I can see that ANA, AMA, SMA and ceruloplasmin already have been done and are negative.
You can discuss with your doctor about the other tests.
I would like to add in a small percentage of patients, no cause can be found out.

Liver transplantation can provide a complete cure. For this you need to get him registered in organ transplant registry. But before this, the cause of cirrhosis should be found out. Till them treatment is only to prevent complications.

Let me know if I can assist you further.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
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