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Some spots above penis without pain, itch. Cause?

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Hi Doc,

I am concerned about some spots I have noticed in my genital area. Of course the first thing that comes to mind is herpes but my symptoms don't really match.

11 days ago I noticed a number of spots appear in my pubic hair, about an inch above my penis and a couple about an inch bellow my belly button.

They are completely painless, do not itch or hurt (even to squeeze). I probably have about 7-10 in total.
If I couldn't visibly see them I would not know they are there.

They are single and spread out, the closest they are to each other is 1/4".
Not clustered.

From online images it looks most like Folliculitis, although not all of mine are on hairs.

They look like they possibly could have fluid or puss but none have broken, I have tried a few times squeezing them to see if they would break and could not pop them.
I also tried to break one with a needle and no fluid came, only some blood. The bump was left the same size and but obviously inflamed (this is the one below my belly button)

I have not noticed any on my penis.

3-4 weeks ago I did have general flu symptoms, although this passed before I developed these.

I do have some irritation between my scrotum and anus, I can not see any sores or blisters, only red dry/cracked skin. Redness is in a straight line along where my skin folds.

I have chaffing there fairly often much worse than this so it doesn't really alarm me.
I live in a hot climate and it is summer at the moment, I am prone to getting irritations at this time of year from sweating and wearing tight clothes. These usually go away within a couple of days to 2 weeks using Hydrozole and washing regularly.

- Treatment -

I applied Hydrozole to the spots for 7 days, I think that it reduced the redness but did not make them go away, I have since stopped.

I am now using aloe vera and in the past 2 days switched to an antibacterial soap.

- History -

I have oral HSV1 and my last blood test for HSV2 was neg.

I have been seeing a partner exclusively for about 6 months now and we have unprotected sex.

8 weeks ago we had group sex with another male. There was no physical or genital contact between him and I.
Condoms were used by him during intercourse with the female. However we both received unprotected oral sex
(I can't find any cases on the internet where herpes has be spread between two males through both receiving oral sex through the same female)

I have not had sex with my partner since these developed.

My plan was to go to a doctor if these symptoms persist for 3 weeks or if they get worse (broken blisters, spots on penis, pain)

In your opinion does this sound or look like it could be herpes or just some form or irritation?
Is there any cream or treatment you could suggest?

Thank you.

Category: Dermatologist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 24 Doctors Online


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

You have molluscum contagiosum which is a viral infection caused by the pox virus. It is sexually transmitted and it spreads by contact with the affected area.

I would recommend application of Aldara cream on the lesions. That would help resolve them. You will require a prescription for the Aldara cream.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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