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Thyroid papilloma.

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I went to a throat doctor because of a lump in my left tonsil which is currently bothering me. He told me that it is a Papilloma. Does that mean I have throat cancer? It is a 1-2cm lump.

Category: Oncologist

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Category: Hematologist
 23 Doctors Online


Thank you for using Ask a Doctor Service from Doctor Spring. I can understand your problem, and will try to help you the best possible

1st I want to reassure you that papilloma is not a cancer, it is a simple benign lesion. Sometimes it doesn't require any treatment, but if it is increasing in size we can remove it.

I have seen picture and I can’t see any papilloma or any other lesion, actually picture quality is very good but left tonsil area is not fully covered so I can’t see any lesion in that area. I have labeled the picture (you can see it). All structures seen in this picture are normal.

Pl refer this link for labled pic -

Finally most of the time feeling of lump in throat is due to acid reflux. It can be treated easily with life style changes and you can start tablet. Rabeprazole 20 mg once in morning before breakfast for one month.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask if you have any further queries.

Thank you.

Dr. Prasad Eswaran
Category: Hematologist
Doctorate in Medicine (Fellowship in Oncology), DM,  Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai, India.

Doctor of Medicine (Residency in Radiation Oncology) , MD, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India, 2004-06.

Diploma in Medical Radiology & Therapy (Residency in Radiation Oncology), D.M.R.T, Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai, India, 2004-06.

Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery - M.B.B.S, Govt. Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai, India, 1998-2004.
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