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upper right quadrant pain under my rib cage

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I have been experiencing upper right quadrant pain under my rib cage and into my shoulder area. Sometimes it feels like I'm being stabbed with a knife. I've lost over 20 pounds in two months. My bowel movement have changed drastically, I'm now having a bowel movement up to 8 times a day from maybe two times a day. My pain was constant and I was very nauseated with cold chills, but no fever. Now the pain is more spread out. I'm wonder if the pain is related to my gallbladder or something in my intestines. My cousin had her gallbladder removed at my age (21) and was diagnosed with IBS

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 32 Doctors Online


From your symptoms of pain radiating to shoulders, nausea and indigestion points out to be a cholelithtiasis.

Cholelithiasis is stones blocking the drainage of bile out of gall bladder. When there is a blockage, bile continues to get collected in gall bladder and there is increase in size of gall bladder. This causes pain which radiates upwards.

There are some remedies which might be of help:

  1. Try reducing intake of fatty food, as cholesterol increases formation n stones.
  2. Try increasing intake of fiber, fruits and vegetables.
  3. If you are obese, you have got to work on your obesity.
  4. Go for yoga, it helps in reducing weight in a healthy way.

For your pain you can take, Tylenol twice daily. I suggest you go for USG abdomen and visit your physician who will prescribe Celecoxib - 100 mg, 2 times a day after meal for 5-7 days, after which you will have to take Ursodeoxycholic acid - 750 mg, once a day in the evening for 2 months.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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