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Will Sjogren's go away forever?

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i am suffreing from sjojrens syndrome only dry eyes but not dry mouth. will this go away in my life ever?

Category: Rheumatologist

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 19 Doctors Online

Dear Mam,

Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.

I have few queries regarding the disease. What is your present ESR, CRP, ANA titres, you Anti Ro and your anti La titres.

Sjogren disease may become a serious disease with potential implications like lymphoma, metabolic bone disease, kidney disease, complications during pregnancy. Not all people have the same magnitude of disease.Some people may go in spontaneous remissions too.

It would be nice if you could send me your medical problem in detail, to give you meaningful reply.


Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Senior Residency: Rhematology, All India Institute of Medical Schiences, New Delhi, 2009
Post Graduate, Junior Residency: MD (Internal Medicine), Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Jharkhand, 2006
Residency: Physiology, Institute of Medical Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 2003
Internship: Government Medical College, Trichur, 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Calicut University, 2001
Dr. Bimlesh Dhar Pandey and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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