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Withdrawal symptoms of long term use of CODEINE.

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Hello, my problem is so comple sox, I’ll try to summarize.

2 years ago, I went to Mali (African country), three months later I’ve fallen into severe depression, tried almost 10 antidepressants, until I finally found the right one for me (ZOLOFT) taking 100mg/day till this day.
Then I started having chronic migraine, I took Codeine, I misused it and got addicted to it for 1.5 years. Then i stopped it, but the withdrawals were horrific, so I was put on Subutex (1-2)mg per day, I’ve taken it only for three months.
Now, I’ve quite Subutex 29 days ago (i've gone through hell with the withdrawal), but as if that wasn’t enough, i also caught Malaria in my first week of withdrawal , i took treatment (ARTEFAN) and was cured from it, but continued to experience withdrawal at the second week. Then the third week came and I caught Malaria again, then i took the same treatment. I did blood test yesterday, the biologist told me that I’m cured from Malaria, but that I have an infection (he told me it was something about white blood cells), Then the doctor gave me an antibiotic and sent me home, he didn’t even know what kind of infection I do have. I have one question please, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH ME???, is the withdrawal from Subtex suppressing my immune system so I’m getting all these diseases !!! I cant’ go to hospitals as there were many cases of Ebola and I don’t wanna take the risk. Please help, I haven’t slept correctly for a month (even with taking Klonopin and Ambien), I feel unwell, lethargy, nausea, fatigue, and it’s not getting any better. (is it part of withdrawal, or there’s something bigger).

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Category: Pediatric Surgeon
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Thank you for your query at
As per your description, you need another surgery. As the resection margins are positive, you need WIDE LOCAL EXCISION.
Some amount of disfigurement of the breast is a possibility. But, it may come back in course of time. It all depends on the incision and procedure done by your Surgeon. If at all you feel that your breast structure was disturbed a lot,you can get it corrected by a Plastic surgeon.
Regarding radiation and hormonal therapy, I request you to follow the standard protocol as advised by your doctor. You have to take it inspite of few side effects.As you have ER+ and PR+, the response to hormonal therapy will be very good.
Hope I answered your query.
If you have any questions, I will clarify further.
Wish you good health.

Patient replied :

I think i will take the hormonal therapy, but is the side effect as seriously as lots post claimed? Does this usually effect their daily life (such as so tired and irritated) and their relationship (such as lower the sex drive)? is that possible you can advise some your personal experience with your patient? i will learn to co-op with it, but i kind like to know what to expect. and also there is post said over 35% of woman just stopped taking it in 2-3 years or even just week instead of the 5 years term. Someone said if you take it then important to continue or the risk of cancer coming back is even greater. I do not know anybody in person has the experience and i am worried the post forum mainly is just all women has issues (the one does not have problem probably will not even use the forum). Also is there a certain diet i should follow during the radiation process and later on? such as no sugar? no red meat, etc? or i actually can eat anything i like but try to keep a balanced way? I have to learn to live the fact that i have this disease now, but just need some option of how well i should live with it. Is there anything specific i should pay attention to from now on? I think my current surgeon is pretty good, but i still like to have second opinion in a way. And since i found this earlier, do you think my surviving rate will be good? the last biopsy didn't take any sample of he lymph nodes, so how do i know if it is already spread and actually which stage i am in? i am scared, as you can understand. I am only 42 and have a great relationship with my boy friend, i still want to enjoy life with him. Please advise. Thank you.

Side effects can occur for any medicine.We have to measure the benefits rather than negatives.
Few of my patients had irritation,lethargy,generalised weakness etc.Few said that their sexual drive was decreased.
The side effects vary from individual to individual.
It all depends on the will of the patient ,whether to take it as per protocol or not.
I request you to go as per your Doctor's schedule.Avoid chances of recurrence.
There is no specific diet chart for Cancer breast post Surgery/Radiation/Hormonal therapy.
There is nothing specific which needs your attention except examination of your other breast .
Survival rate is very good as it is diagnosed very early and you are ready to follow the standard protocol as advised by your doctor.
Wish you good health

Patient replied :

Thank you so much for your answer, it made me feel a lot ease.
My question this time was since people said if you feel sex drive lowered, might be just the virginal area dry, so the doctor can prescribe some creams, but need to be no estregen in it.
It made me think, what bout the daily lotion, cream for face, hands, body butter and feminant cleanser? do they usually has these femal hormonal might will increas the estregen in me?
if so, is there a brand of those virginal cream (for sex) or cleanser (for cleaning) you can recommend? Sorry to bother you and i am very appreciated your help.
Please advise, thank you.

To increase the wetness in the vaginal area,I prescribe 2%xylocaine jelly.It doesn't contain Estrogen and is safe .
Hope I answered your query.

Patient replied :

Sorry to bother you, actually i might confuse you, i was not asking the sex lotion. :-)
I was wondering what about the normal lotions, cosmetics, feminant cleansing, these daily use stuff, do these usually include estrogen? and will it be absorbed from skin?
do i need to look for some more "green" or "organic" stuff? Just curious.
Thank you.

Actually, 2%lignocaine jelly is not sex lotion.It is used as a Lubricant in areas like Vagina, Anal canal etc.
Most of the cosmetics,lotions etc are for external use only . Though they do not contain estrogen, they should not be applied internally.
Hope I answered your query.


Dr. Hari Charan Perigela
Category: Pediatric Surgeon
Fellowship: DNB, General Surgery, National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, 2001
Residency: MS, General Surgery, Sri Venkateswara Medical College,Tirupathi, 2000
Medical School: MBBS, Kurnool Medical college, 1995
Dr. Hari Charan Perigela and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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